Seamless Qumu Digital Signage and Desktop IPTV Channels

Play Qumu Videos and Live Streams on
Displays Across Your Network of Digital Signs

Extending your Qumu video assets and Qumu live streams, to Qumu digital signage is seamless with Display5.  Give your video assets and live streams a whole new life on digital displays throughout your organization. We provide you with the ultimate flexibility in displaying and playing your Qumu content.

Qumu Integration Highlights

Qumu Videos

Integrated Qumu player

Play Qumu video assets: full screen; in a section/panel of canvas; or, drag & drop onto a canvas

Play full videos, or segments; set start and stop positions ; display Closed Captioning

Scheduling; logging; content approval process, etc.

Qumu Cloud and On-premise (VCC)

Qumu Live Streams

Using existing Qumu embedded widget to playback

Leverages Qumu’s Pathfinder intelligent delivery (Cache/Peering)

Schedule live broadcasts on digital signs, video walls and In-room screens

Automatic switching from live streaming back to digital signage


Configure live and on demand videos in Display5 IPTV Channel

Filter channel choices by User ID

Drag and drop Qumu assets or streams into each channel

No limit on channels

Qumu digital signage
live event digital signage
Qumu digital signage

Integrating Qumu Assets into Display5's CMS

Standard Display

  • Regular orientation (no rotation)
  • Full screen or partial screen combined with other content
  • Full video length or designated start/stop points
  • Foreground or background
  • Multiple videos
  • Any resolution
  • Full video controls

Drag & Drop HTML Canvas

  • Video clips (typically less than 20 secs)
  • Imported from Qumu platform
  • Drag & drop on canvas
  • Crop height & width
  • Rotate video(s)
  • Loop videos for slide play duration
  • Arrange with other content types on the canvas
    • Images, pics, gifs, text, shapes
Qumu digital signage
Qumu digital signage

Visit Qumu's website for more information on the Qumu Digital Signage Display5 Extension

Why Display5 for Qumu Digital Signage?

digital signage content inventory
All Your Favorite Content
Unparalleled Content Control & Scheduling

Seamlessly Extending Your Qumu Assets to

Qumu Digital Signage in the Workplace & on Public Displays

Qumu Account Log in

Play Qumu Assets

Flexible Play Options

Customize the Presentation

Log into your Qumu account from within the Display5 CMS.  Login by Account holder.

Play Qumu videos, audio files, Media playlists, or Qumu live events.  Qumu players are directly embedded within the Display5 CMS.

Display5 lets you play your Qumu videos and live streams on displays of any size, any resolution of video supported by the screen and play full screen, part of the screen, multiple videos, or use a video as a background.

Display5 lets you manage the look and feel of the Qumu video or live stream.  You can add transitions; change the opacity of the video; and add other content panels to compliment the video or live stream being played.

Asset Storage

Automatic Switching

Control & Tracking

Closed Captioning

The Display5-Qumu integration provides all the options you need at your disposal.  Pull your Qumu video content directly from Qumu or store Qumu assets in the Display5 Media Library.  You can use whichever option suits your IT deployment architecture.

With Display5 you can program automatic switching on your displays from digital signage to live streaming events and back to digital signage.  Centrally control sound on/off, source input to screen and audio levels.

Display5’s CMS gives you 100% flexibility to schedule when your videos play and logging when they played, by simply turning on ‘Proof of Play’.

Display5 supports Qumu Closed Captioning on videos.

Play different language captions on screens according to where the screen is located.

Qumu Digital Signage: Combine Qumu Videos or Live events with

All Your Favorite Content Types

140 + Widgets

Use the full power of Display5’s CMS to create many different types of Show layouts for any type of communication on any size screens you have across your organization.

HTML Canvas Editors

An HTML canvas integrated into a digital signage platform is like a CMS, inside a CMS.  Display5 offers you 3 choices of integrated HTML canvas editors – Canva, PosterMyWall & our Montage canvas for Qumu videos.


We support video better than any other signage platform.  Qumu video and live streaming files as well as YouTube, Vimeo & almost any video file type.


Import your images from any of your favourite sources: Stock image providers or media creation tools.  Use them within HTML canvases, as main or background content; apply Ken Burns effects. The possibilities are endless.

Dynamic Content

Include almost any kind of dynamic content on part or all of the screen. RSS feeds,  Embeds, web pages and most Social Media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


Integrated content from many sources including Contact Center platforms from Avaya, Cisco & Genesys; Office calendar info from O365, Google Cal or Exchange; transport info, e.g. Transport for London; or for custom requirements, contact us.

Seamless Integration for Qumu Digital Signage

Account Login

Easily access your Qumu video assets by logging directly into your Qumu account from within Display5 platform.  Display5 can be configured to accommodate login by Account holder.

Select Media Item

Once you are logged into your Qumu account from within Display5 you can seamlessly pull Qumu videos from your account into the Display5 platform to play within the Display5 Show (playlist).

Qumu in Display5 CMS

Easily add a Qumu video asset, video playlist or Qumu live stream to a Display5 Show

Qumu digital signage

Each Qumu video, media list or live stream gives you the flexibility to specify exactly how you would like the content to appear, when it plays and how it is played.  See the image of a Display5 Qumu video link slide where many of the details about the slide are specified, including the Qumu player.

Qumu digital signage

Qumu Asset Storage
Referencing Qumu Cloud Videos for play in Display5 Playlist
  • Video assets remain in the Qumu Cloud
  • Videos referenced in Display5 Show playlist
  • Leverages Qumu Studio players
  • Leverages Qumu video delivery technology
  • Uses the Qumu player which enables Closed Captioning display; start point & duration specification
Pulling Qumu Videos into Display5 Media Library
  • Qumu videos easily pulled into the Display5 Media library
  • Qumu videos stored in the Display5 Media library as an MP4 video for play in Display5 Shows
  • Apply Meta tags to Qumu videos in Display5 Media library

Try Display5 free for 14 days, no credit card required.  By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Display5.

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